
MFASC Golf Tournament Makes an Impact on Advocacy Efforts

The 25th annual MFASC Golf Tournament and Association Fundraiser was held on May 22, 2017, at Industry Hills Golf Course. Thank you all our sponsor and participants. As a result, the association raised more than $ 25,000.00 to help with current legislative and legal issues. Super Sponsor Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsor Beverage Cart Sponsor   Tee Sponsor   Golf Ball

2017- 2018 MFASC Storm Water Compliance Group

If you are planning on remaining in the MFASC Storm Water Compliance Group and/or join it, it’s time to register for the 2017-2018 Storm Water Reporting Year.   Please click here for the Storm Water Compliance Group registration form and return it to Bernie Moore as soon as you can.   Just a reminder: The mandatory Storm Water training class is May 17, 2017. If you plan on remaining in the Compliance Group you must attend the training class. Click

Orange County Register Discusses Air Quality Regulations

The Metal Finishing Association of Southern California (MFASC) is currently working to keep all members updated on issues regarding SCAQMD and air quality regulating. This article from the Orange County Register discusses enforcement in Paramount. We will be sending out regular update emails about important meetings and developments regarding SCAQMD. Thank you to everyone that showed up last week to the first working meeting regarding the rewriting of Rules 1469 and 1426. The association showed up with strength and asked many

You’re Invited to Discuss Proposed Amendments!

Thursday, Mar. 23, 2017 2:30-4:30 pm SCAQMD Headquarters Conference Room CC2 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) staff invites you to attend the first Working Group meeting for discussion on the following: Proposed Amended Rule (PAR) 1469 – Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations Proposed Amendment Rule (PAR) 1426 – Emissions from Metal Finishing Operations The purpose of the meeting is to provide background information regarding both rules and to discuss general concepts for proposed


NASF and State Lobbyists Provide Advocacy Updates for California Chapters

  The Metal Finishing Associations of Southern and Northern California met November 18th and 19th, respectively, for presentations on recent advocacy issues impacting the surface finishing industry.  Jerry Desmond with Desmond & Desmond LLC, Sacramento, the California advocate for the Metal Finishing Associations of California, and Jeff Hannapel of The Policy Group on behalf of NASF, provided members with valuable insight to many ongoing and potential advocacy matters affecting the industry.  Their updates included the following recent activities and regulatory developments

MFASC and MFANC Participate in 17th Annual CUPA Conference

  Earlier this month, the Metal Finishers of Southern California and the Metal Finishers of Northern California participated in the 17th annual California Unified Program Training Association (CUPA) Conference, a summit aimed at improving business managers’ preparedness for a wide range of environmental and regulatory liabilities. The event was held February 2-5 at the Sheraton Hotel & Marina in San Diego and drew over 1,300 registrants and 45 exhibitors. The annual event targets a wide range of audiences, including professionals in environmental,

Metal Finishing and Surface Technology Industry Leaders Descend Upon Sacramento

Annual Legislative Action Day well attended and message carried to receptive policy makers Sacramento – Metal Finishing Association of Southern (MFASC) and Metal Finishing Association of Northern California (MFANC), National Association of Surface Finishing (NASF) Chapters, brought members face-to-face with the decision makers in Sacramento who determine the outcome of the industry’s top legislative priorities at the annual Legislative Action Day held April 5th and 6th in Sacramento.   This strong grassroots program connected industry leaders with policy makers and created the opportunity