MFASC Annual Legislative Update Dinner Meeting Presentation

MFASC held their annual Legislative Update Dinner Meeting on November 15, at Stevens Steak House.

Attendees had the opportunity to network with other colleagues, enjoy a nice dinner and listen to an informative presentation on State and National issues. MFASC Executive Director Bryan Leiker opened the meeting with introductions and a recap of Association business and upcoming events. MFASC President Wesley Turnbow continued the meeting with a full update on the current SCAQMD Rule 1469 rewrite, explained association wins, concerns and next steps. Mr. Turnbow then opened up a question and answer session for an engaged audience.

The featured presentations began with Jerry Desmond giving an informative update from the State Capital as well as specifics on key Legislation in California. Mr. Desmond is the MFASC and MFANC Legislative Advocate from Sacramento. Mr. Hannapel is also the Executive Vice President of the Policy Group and the NASF Government Relations Office in Washington, D.C. His presentation included a recap of the SCAQMD Rule 1469 rewrite. Jeff Hannapel concluded the meeting with insight into developments around the country, including updates on specific Legislation such as tax reform and regulatory issues.

November 15th Legislative Dinner Meeting Photos